Friendly War League

Friendly War League (FWL)
Active Tournaments: TH16Division (S2) LITE (S18) MIDDLE (S16) HEAVY (S17)

League Info

Friendly War League is for anyone, or any clan, that is interested in competing. FWL staff will organize and help schedule friendly wars for clans to compete against each other on a weekly basis. Our vision is to crate the most versatile, supportive, and sociable war league that caters to all types of war players.

FWL is strictly for fair play clans only, cheating will not be tolerated. Players, teams, and clan reps are expected to be mature and have the ability to work with others. We promote a healthy atmosphere and attitude where members can compete and have fun. Good sportsmanship is a must, drama will not be tolerated.

FWL Rule Book:
Join the league's official Discord server here: